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When writing about one’s life in a blog, there is, of course, the fear that one might write too much. This maybe wouldn’t be a problem if I lived by myself in the middle of the woods and wrote mostly about my adventures in collecting rocks and trying to light cooking fires, but sometimes life has a funny way of not always turning out to be what we originally wanted. In search of a new supplemental creative outlet, I’ve recently become intrigued by photography and what neat and amazing things can be captured and expressed in that format. For Christmas, Alan got me a Nikon D3000, and so, this year, I’ve resolved to learn how to use it better, particularly in tricky low lighting settings.

It’s also worth noting that my friend Thai pressured me (or was it challenged me?) into creating a list of 30 goals to be completed before or by age 30. I’m not sure exactly why, but this has turned out to be a rather challenging task. It might be because I feel 30 is too large a number to be taken seriously, a quantity which makes a list of goals (which by definition (at least the one I subscribe to) should be weighty and lofty) seem more like a mundane “to-do” checklist.

But, alas, I did tell him that I would work on the list, and so here is what I have so far:

1) Learn how to take better pictures.
2) Cook more.
3) Go to Cambodia.
4) Go to Italy.
5) Get better at yoga.
6) Hike regularly.
7) Be more calm.
8) Begin writing (and eventually complete) a collection of short stories.
9) Maintain friendships, especially with the friends who live far away.
10) Figure out how to do the pencil twirling thing with my fingers that all the Asian kids in high school knew how to do.
11) Go clamming.
12) Go to Hawaii.
13) Drink a fruity beverage out of a coconut shell with a tiny paper umbrella in it whilst laying on a beach absorbing sun and eating Clementines.

What are your 2010 resolutions/resolutions for the next few years?

Last modified: January 10, 2019