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The Quietest Downtown


The Look: This Sunday was hot as heck and since it’s not entirely acceptable to go out in one’s underwear (yet), I decided on this warm weather outfit — high waisted, breezy shorts and a mesh shirt (a mesh shirt which, conveniently, lends a similar look to that of a lace shirt but is about a billion times more comfortable in all its soft, seamless glory).
I should add here that I’ve had a hard time buying cut-off shorts the past few years because they are always so, well, short. Sometimes that makes me feel self conscious, so for the past few summers I’ve stuck to skirts. Then I saw these shorts at Urban Outfitters, tried them on and was instantly taken with how forgiving and classy looking they are.
The Location: Downtown Santa Clara. When I think of downtowns, I think of busy, loud and bustling places. Downtown Santa Clara is none of these things which gives it its own sleepy charm. It’s not a place most people think to venture to, but it does boast its own post office, a fountain and Ibiss boutique. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, there are little ladies that sit on the benches enjoying the sound of the birds.

Last modified: January 10, 2019