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Advice from Joanna Goddard


My favorite blogger, Joanna Goddard, recently shared the best advice she’s ever heard. It was from the photographer Stephanie Congdon Barnes who said simply: “You can have the life you want.” When I read it, this vision popped into my head of what I’d want my beautiful life to look like. One small thing that kind of stuck was that I want to be the woman who curls her hair for work. It’s not groundbreaking or life-changing by any means, but it’s one of those fun little things I always say I’ll do but never actually get around to. So this week I decided to be that woman, even if it was just for one day. I think it’ll be fun to have mermaid hair on a regular work day. What big or little things would you have in your beautiful life? I’d love to hear.

p.s. I’ve been obsessed with trying to perfect these curls. Don’t you just want to run your hands all through that? 

{And a big thanks to my friend Roy for snapping these pictures!}

Last modified: January 10, 2019