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Sabre Paris spoons


pretty patterned spoons and popsicles
sabre paris polka dot spoon

If Quiet Like Horses had a FAQ page, there would be just one question on it: Where are the patterned spoons in your food photos from? Someone else just asked about them earlier this week, so I thought I’d dedicate a post to them. They’re by Sabre Paris, and I love them because they’re so pretty and can be used all the time. I use mine to eat cereal and ice cream and to stir my coffee in the morning. I first discovered them on Cannelle et Vanille. They’re a very photogenic prop for food styling and photography and are made of a surprisingly durable acrylic. They come in all kinds of fun colors and patterns, including: polka dot, floral, gingham, madras, frosted, and Moroccan. I just ordered a set of glitter spoons to use during the holidays!

You can buy them online at:

And there you have it! Now everyone go get your pretty spoon fix on.

Happy food styling (or food eating)!

(top photo by Aran Goyoaga, bottom photo via Gracious Home)

Last modified: January 10, 2019