Written by

Holiday Cheer


animal ornaments

Alan’s been busy with his new job and studying for finals, and I’ve been busy hanging out with my mom and eating everything she makes. Between our two schedules, our apartment’s been looking a little dreary for this time of year. I came home one day and decided to make merry. First, I pulled out our ornaments, sparkly garland, and string of lights.

sprinkle-covered chocolate rings

Then I made a hot cup of tea and ate a plate of chocolate rings covered in sprinkles. Because sprinkles make everything nice.

mini Christmas tree

And I found a spot for our glittery mini tree. This might sound blasphemous, but I think we might skip getting a real tree this year! Last year we went to a Santa Cruz tree farm to chop one down, and it died within two weeks. I think I’m still recovering from that tragedy.

(sprinkle-covered chocolate rings + mini tree from Trader Joe’s)

Last modified: January 10, 2019