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A Work First


A good way to keep things fresh in any situation is to experience something novel in the targeted environment every once in a while. For example, tomorrow I am going to be sitting in a 4-hour meeting. This event is something that I have experienced before. Now, to switch things up, halfway through the 4-hour meeting, I have scheduled an official cookie break. Sure, I’ve eaten bunches of cookies in the afternoon before, but never have I had a scheduled appointment for the eating of said cookies.

I’m curious to know if there will be a black and white cookie in the Specialty’s mix as those are, of late, my favorite kind, but more than that, I wonder how I will announce the cookie break. Should I suggest it? “Cookies, anyone?” Or should I make it more of an announcement? “Cookie time!” Would interrupting the meeting to ring a small bell to signal the arrival of the cookies be too much? I’m not sure, but I do hope everyone else likes the cookie break as much as I will.

If, having observed the ridiculousness of the above black and white Specialty’s cookie, you would like to join the meeting in order to partake in the cookie break, this could probably be arranged if you have many intelligent things to contribute on the topic of technology. Or you could just bring the small bell and we could call it even.

(Photo by JonasApproved)

Last modified: January 10, 2019