Writing tips & personal essays about love (& loss), travel, food, beauty & style. Plus my fave how to's that make everyday life easier, simpler—& more fun.
September 22, 2020• Copywriting
The other day someone surprised me when she wrote to thank me for a webinar she didn’t watch....
September 1, 2020• Copywriting
Tomorrow is my birthday! It’s going to be good (like 4 scary-movie-rentals-in-one-sitting good),...
August 18, 2020• Copywriting
One time in Vegas, I went to this fancy restaurant with a flower tunnel entrance for a...
August 9, 2020• General
It can be tricky knowing if you’re including too much copy in your emails. So here’s a...
April 11, 2020• Food
Learn how to cook chicken perfectly every time and get the only recipe you'll ever need for cooking...
October 30, 2019• Relationships
When the stranger staring at you in your lobby thinks you're his long lost girlfriend. And comes...
September 24, 2019• Beauty
The 6 Korean skincare steps (and recommended products) real Korean women follow and use for...
September 8, 2019• Travel
The other week I watched a webinar about creating passive income that completely intrigued me....
August 14, 2019• Beauty
Wondering how do foot peels work and if they could be the miracle-worker to save your dry, cracked...
July 9, 2019• Beauty
There are some things you can't unsee. Mustaches are one of them....