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Hair: The Long & The Short of It


For most of high school, I wore my hair pretty short, mostly because I felt like it made my hair look fuller (I had, and sort of still do, a fear that I’m losing my hair at a faster-than-normal rate). In college, I got a bit more adventurous and would take the bus to the Vidal Sassoon Academy in Santa Monica to get my hair cut by the students for $20. It would take hours, but they always gave me the most interesting cuts. A few years after graduating, I was surprised at how much I loved my hair when I grew it long. Now it’s so long that it sometimes catches me by surprise when I move a certain way and feel the length of it against my back. It’s also gotten kind of blah, so this weekend I finally decided to make an appointment to get it cut.
Lately I’ve been crushing on super super short hair styles (they just look so cool!), but I doubt I’ll have the guts to lop it all off. Have you ever? Would you ever? Do I dare?

{a few of the vidal cuts I got in college. the one on the left is a side view. i loved how it was cut just so to fit over my shoulder. the one on the right was a faux hawk that I’m still not sure how I got talked into.}
(Top image credits: Whitney Able in Monsters, the sartorialist, the glamourai)

Last modified: January 10, 2019