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Booking It


As a kid, I remember one of my favorite places to visit, especially during long summers off, was the public library. To this day, I still love it. When I lived in L.A., my friends made fun of me for making it a point to visit the Santa Monica Public Library on opening day, and Alan doesn’t get why I don’t just order all my books off of Amazon. But the library is comforting and quiet and modest and humble. It’s like a good wise friend that you can sit and visit with uninterrupted for hours on end. My library of choice lately is the Central Park Library in Santa Clara which looks new and modern, with plenty of seating and books galore. (It’s also across the street from the best donuts in the world which is maybe my favorite 2-for-1 deal ever). I currently have Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and Bossypants checked out, both of which I’d highly recommend if you like funny, entertaining reading.

{Currently snacking on these Haribo gummy bears a friend brought back from Germany. Germany Haribo gummy bears are so much better — the red ones are raspberry and strawberry flavored–it’s wild!}

Last modified: January 10, 2019