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3 summer party decorating tips


lillet with an umbrella
ice buckets and flowers
This weekend, we hosted my cousin Nathalie’s surprise birthday party in her backyard. We were going for a chic summer soiree and just needed to add a few simple things to transform the space. In case you’re throwing a summer party anytime soon, here are my three easy decorating tips! 
Tip #1 (above): Decorate with fresh-cut flowers. I placed a few stems on all the tables in small vases or just out by themselves. 
white drink dispensers
white backyard party tent
Tip #2: Use white tablecloths. It makes everything look fresh and clean and is a pretty contrast from the greens, blues, and browns outside. 
doily-wrapped utensils

Tip #3: Wrap your flatware in doilies and tie them up with raffia. Just because it’s easy and cute 🙂

Last modified: January 10, 2019