April 26, 2015• General
It’s been hard for Alan to eat lately, so whenever he finds something he likes, he’ll usually...
March 17, 2015• General
You know when you’re eating a big juicy burger that’s perfectly cooked (medium rare)...
February 3, 2015• General
I’m not much of a morning person, but I am a big believer in breakfast. I’ll usually...
January 27, 2015• General
I just discovered an all-natural breath freshener hiding in my kitchen cupboard: Cloves! The dried...
January 5, 2015• General
I love cupcakes because frosting and cake make me happy, but actually eating them is another story....
December 31, 2014• General
Are you making any New Year’s resolutions? I used to write mine down on a post-it note that I’d...
October 29, 2014• General
Warning: This post is not for the faint of heart. Do not read if you are easily grossed out. Or if...
August 21, 2014• General
The other day at Whole Foods, I ate four samples of this life-changing strawberry cream pie...
August 7, 2014• General
The Cookie Corner is like Hawaii’s version of Mrs. Fields. The difference is that in addition...
July 15, 2014• General
Before it was called the hashtag, before it was known as the pound sign and before it was the...